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Rotten Tomatoes MOVIECLIPS is the largest collection of movie clips on the web. We’ve curated the best moments, scenes, and lines from all your favorite films to share, discuss, and relive. We celebrate all movies from all eras and genres whether they are Fresh or Rotten, blockbusters or indies. Welcome home, movie lovers! We invite you to join the conversation on YouTube or leave a review on, but please read our Community Guidelines so that the discussion can be useful and enjoyable for everyone.
Date Day Subscribers Views Videos
2024-10-14 Mon 62,300,000 - 63,486,380,071 - 41,332 -
2024-10-28 Mon 62,400,000 100,000 63,626,777,383 140,397,312 41,402 70
2024-10-29 Tue 62,400,000 - 63,637,644,739 10,867,356 41,404 2
2024-10-30 Wed 62,400,000 - 63,647,230,453 9,585,714 41,416 12
2024-10-31 Thu 62,400,000 - 63,656,570,114 9,339,661 41,427 11
2024-11-02 Sat 62,400,000 - 63,679,043,793 22,473,679 41,449 22
2024-11-03 Sun 62,500,000 100,000 63,691,497,232 12,453,439 41,450 1
2024-11-05 Tue 62,500,000 - 63,715,899,713 24,402,481 41,457 7
2024-11-07 Thu 62,500,000 - 63,738,156,350 22,256,637 41,468 11
2024-11-08 Fri 62,500,000 - 63,749,305,378 11,149,028 41,478 10
2024-11-09 Sat 62,500,000 - 63,760,049,003 10,743,625 41,488 10
2024-11-10 Sun 62,500,000 - 63,771,030,108 10,981,105 41,490 2
2024-11-12 Tue 62,500,000 - 63,796,762,624 25,732,516 41,498 8
2024-11-18 Mon 62,600,000 100,000 63,875,390,732 78,628,108 41,530 32
2024-11-18 Mon 62,600,000 - 63,875,390,732 - 41,530 -
2024-11-20 Wed 62,600,000 - 63,885,868,483 10,477,751 41,541 11
2024-11-21 Thu 62,600,000 - 63,896,176,380 10,307,897 41,542 1
2024-11-24 Sun 62,700,000 100,000 63,942,471,558 46,295,178 41,569 27
2024-11-26 Tue 62,700,000 - 63,954,779,592 12,308,034 41,572 3
2024-11-27 Wed 62,700,000 - 63,966,023,491 11,243,899 41,583 11
2024-11-28 Thu 62,700,000 - 63,976,745,203 10,721,712 41,584 1
2024-11-29 Fri 62,700,000 - 63,999,686,224 22,941,021 41,592 8
2024-12-01 Sun 62,700,000 - 64,011,400,947 11,714,723 41,603 11
2024-12-02 Mon 62,700,000 - 64,035,924,195 24,523,248 41,609 6
Difference 400,000 549,544,124 277