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MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT OpenCourseWare







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A free and open online publication of educational material from thousands of MIT courses, covering the entire MIT curriculum, ranging from introductory to the most advanced graduate courses. On the OCW website, each course includes a syllabus, instructional material like notes and reading lists, and learning activities like assignments and solutions. Some courses also have videos, online textbooks, and faculty insights on teaching. Knowledge is your reward. There's no signup or enrollment, and no start or end dates. OCW is self-paced learning at its best. Whether you’re a student, a teacher, or simply a curious person that wants to learn, MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) offers a wealth of insight, inspiration, videos, and a whole lot more! Get the full picture on the OCW website at Accessibility: User comments policy: (Channel banner photo by Nietnagel on Flickr:
Date Day Subscribers Views Videos
2025-01-17 Fri 5,570,000 - 473,478,848 - 7,584 -
2025-01-18 Sat 5,570,000 - 473,383,938 -94,910 7,567 -17
2025-01-19 Sun 5,570,000 - 473,495,764 111,826 7,567 -
2025-01-20 Mon 5,580,000 10,000 473,606,384 110,620 7,567 -
2025-01-21 Tue 5,580,000 - 473,727,557 121,173 7,567 -
2025-01-22 Wed 5,580,000 - 473,852,210 124,653 7,541 -26
2025-01-24 Fri 5,580,000 - 473,982,133 129,923 7,560 19
2025-01-25 Sat 5,580,000 - 474,209,492 227,359 7,560 -
2025-01-26 Sun 5,580,000 - 474,339,262 129,770 7,560 -
2025-01-27 Mon 5,590,000 10,000 474,458,494 119,232 7,560 -
2025-01-28 Tue 5,590,000 - 474,582,862 124,368 7,560 -
2025-01-29 Wed 5,590,000 - 474,706,458 123,596 7,541 -19
2025-01-30 Thu 5,590,000 - 474,838,746 132,288 7,575 34
2025-01-31 Fri 5,590,000 - 475,112,935 274,189 7,575 -
2025-02-01 Sat 5,590,000 - 475,246,036 133,101 7,575 -
2025-02-02 Sun 5,600,000 10,000 475,378,681 132,645 7,575 -
2025-02-03 Mon 5,600,000 - 475,529,250 150,569 7,575 -
2025-02-04 Tue 5,600,000 - 475,665,919 136,669 7,575 -
2025-02-05 Wed 5,600,000 - 475,804,271 138,352 7,575 -
2025-02-06 Thu 5,600,000 - 475,925,353 121,082 7,575 -
2025-02-07 Fri 5,610,000 10,000 476,060,782 135,429 7,575 -
2025-02-08 Sat 5,610,000 - 476,159,744 98,962 7,575 -
2025-02-09 Sun 5,610,000 - 476,282,442 122,698 7,575 -
2025-02-10 Mon 5,610,000 - 476,394,311 111,869 7,575 -
2025-02-11 Tue 5,610,000 - 476,519,626 125,315 7,575 -
2025-02-12 Wed 5,610,000 - 476,668,880 149,254 7,575 -
2025-02-13 Thu 5,610,000 - 476,787,739 118,859 7,575 -
2025-02-14 Fri 5,620,000 10,000 476,914,052 126,313 7,545 -30
2025-02-15 Sat 5,620,000 - 475,211,514 -1,702,538 7,545 -
2025-02-17 Mon 5,620,000 - 475,318,510 106,996 7,545 -
Difference 50,000 1,839,662 -39